Front End:
Webinar Recording & PDF
The Stolen Webinar.
A webinar recorded presentation of the ‘7 steps to professional selling’
With a pdf transcript included. This value-packed product will benefit EVERYONE who makes money online, as a guide to learn from or simply to gain more understanding of the sales process every single money making method employs at some point or other.
Dimesale pricing starting at 8.97 increasing 3 cents every 3 sales to a max price of $14.97
100% Commission
First Upsell:
OTO Kitchen Sink Upsell – (Copywriting Related)
The first Upsell is a Kitchen Sink style package that contains 10 of the best products created by Randy Smith. They are all IM sales related to keep in context with the front-end offer. These products are still available individually but are heavily discontinued for this package which is also on a dimesale.
Together they represent HUNDREDS of dollars of value!
The first upsell sells for $17.97 You will get 50% commission!!
Downsell to the Kitchen Sink Upsell
Downsell for Core Copy Related products
Just the 5 Core products for a one off $9.97
Also 50% Commission
SLabc, VSLabc, FunnelVision, MagicAuctionWords & HeadlineHeist.
Second Upsell:
GDPR App for legal compliance of pages.
GDPRmysite App
This App makes it easy to comply with GDPR legal regulations & requirements for every site that wants to make sales to anywhere in Europe!
Works on every website
Cookie consent app
Use on 1 site or unlimited sites
Full customisation
Data request system
Data deletion request system
Cloud hosted
Lightning fast
All in 1 place
Consent logging
Price $37
Also 50% Commission