Barb Ling and Dennis Becker here and we are thrilled to announce our latest!
Product: “List Builder VOL1 – Find Virtually Everything You Want Online for Free w/Rebranding AND Giveaway Rights”
Platform : W+
Commissions : 60% FE, 50% on all upsells
Affiliate Link:
This is Hugely EVERGREEN and addresses a topic that every marketer needs to master as quickly as possible… copywriting with an eye to high conversions.
1.) Front End: “LBFM: List Builder VOL1 – Find Virtually Everything You Want Online for Free w/Giveaway AND Rebranding Rights”$17, 60% affiliate commission (downsell removes rebranding rights, $9.95)
2. Upsell: PLRDimesale $27, 50% Commission
3. Cross-Sell : Web Ticket Event – The Secret Hiding Places of Free Marketing GoodnessDimesale $37, 50% Commission
4. Upsell: Entrepreneurial and Executive eSquared club$1 to test out, $9.97/Month, recurring – 50% Commission