
Every JV, at your phone, for free

Just a little over 2 years ago, Barry Rodgers & Val Wilson launched an online resource which “in the know” marketers have been using to build new lists, make affiliate sales, create bonuses and re-engage subscribers.

Now that resource has been completely re-engineered to make it even better still.

On 20th March 2018, we will re-launch with a choice of discount price options (plus a “lifetime” option never offered before and only available during the launch period)

You will make good recurring commission from the front end month in and month out (we still have members from December 2015 and our retain rate is twice the industry average) and we are running with a 5 day $1 trial to increase conversions.

There is also up to $59/ sale on our upsell as well.

This is a nice, simple funnel without loads of upsells etc so you can be confident not to piss off your customers by sending them along.

Full details on the affiliate  page: Here

Product: Everything Rebrandable
Launch date: 20 Mar 18
Launch time: 10:00 EDT
Price: 17-197
Commission: 30%
Affiliate Network: WarriorPlus
Niche: Software
Vendor: Barry Rodgers et al