
Every JV, at your phone, for free

Launch scheduled for September 8, 2017 — Social Media Tactical Mastery

Programs and step-by-step blueprints for each of 7 Social Mediums, any of your customers can use starting today.

JVZoo links for each individual program ($7 price, 45% commission) as well as All 7 in One Bundle ($27 price, 45% commissions).

Sell one, two, or all 8 programs (7 individual + all in bundle).

Current funnel starts with free download of Viral Marketing (what you need to know, or even better what your customers don’t know)
available at http://optivane.com; Lists then sent to Social Media Tactical Mastery sales pages, with one upsell, one downsell on the
individual programs PLUS upsell to all-in bundle as the last offer.

Added Affiliate Sales Contest — well actually Reward program for higher sales… program details as follows:

Cash rewards for sales performance (total units sold) during early launch phase of Social Media Tactical Mastery.

If you or any affiliate sells over 500 units before October 15, 2017, you will receive an estimated 10% additional revenue payment.

And, sales of all Social Tactical Mastery products — that includes the 7 separate tactics products PLUS the 7 Tools (all in) versions.

With the 8 products you have to sell and market, here is how we’ll pay you additional cash on or a few days after October 15th (2017).

The rewards program gets you more cash based on your level of sales — see the table below.  Counts of your sales numbers begin

September 8th, 2017 and end at midnight (Central time, USA) on Octobe 14th, 2017. All cash rewards will be paid during the week

of October 15th based on reports generated at the end of the contest period.

Social Media Tactical Mastery – Affiliate Contest – Totals Across All 8 Products Sales Number Extra Rewards

Cash Paid

Dollars (USD) Equal to 500 10% $ 350 Up to 750 10% $ 525 Up to 1,000 15% $ 700 Over 1,500 1,500 + Maximum



Happy to provide any additional information needed, or answer questions.

(Note: If any affiliates want more detail on promoting the Viral Marketing free download, we’ll help build their list as well and can
provide additional collateral (images, email swipes) beyond what is on our JV page for the Tactical Mastery program.  Please use
the Contact Us page at http://optivane.com/contact-us/ to indicate interest.)

Product: Social Media Tactical Mastery
Launch date: 08 Sep 17
Launch time: 11:00 EDT
Price: 7-27
Commission: 45%
Affiliate Network: JVZoo
Niche: Social Media
Vendor: Dale Allman