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Matt Bacak + Mark Anastasi – Prosperity Power™ software – JV Invite
Launch Day: Sunday, August 27, 2017

Prosperity Power goes live on August 27…

We need you to block out August 27th to September 3rd on your calendar, because…

…here’s what’s going on…

Mark Anastasi + Matt Bacak want to create a massive shift in the minds of the market while shoving our bank accounts full of JVzoo instant paypal payments…all in good fun of course…

These two super marketers have teamed up to knock out what’s planned to be the biggest mind shifting launch of 2017 with many, many, many heavy hitters already on board committed to sending monstrous amounts of traffic.

As you may already know…Matt Bacak holds the holds the all-time gravity record on Clickbank … with the power of over 7,551 affiliates and JV partners he broke 2,086.87 Gravity (and no one has come close to beating it yet), plus he’s created some of the best converting offers that have generated millions.

Mark Anastasi is a New York Times bestselling author and his last launch generated $400,000 in 30 days (5,000 sales), with 400 JV partners and affiliates promoting it.

On top of that they test emails and subject lines too!

That’s why these two super marketers are virtually guaranteed to knock out a winning launch.

So, here’s where you come in, and here’s how you gain prosperity power.

You’re exclusively invited to join the prosperity power launch and win the top dog $3,000 cash prizes and get up to $628 per sale – with you earning 50% commissions, making you up to $314 per sale – which can result in only one thing…super high EPC (earnings per click).

==> http://shiftjv.com/

You along with these committed industry heavy hitters will be promoting this launch and stuffing your paypal accounts full of cold hard cash.

We’re going to be split-testing the offer for over a week before hand to ensure super high EPC, and we already have a proven high converting funnel on the back end that’s sure to make you serious money.

So, what exactly is a “Prosperity Power™”?

Prosperity Power™ software helps people achieve their goals effortlessly, by re-programming their subconscious mind while they sit at their computer (it works on MACs and PCs, it is available in 8 languages, and cost over $20,000 to develop).

Mark’s income skyrocketed 300% because of this software.

Go here and sign up right now:

==> http://shiftjv.com/


The Prosperity Power Team

Product: Prosperity Power™ software
Launch date: 27 Aug 17
Launch time: 11:00 EDT
Price: 37
Commission: 50%
Affiliate Network: JVZoo
Niche: General
Vendor: Matt Bacak et al